Materi Bahasa Inggris: Simple Present Tense


Bentuk kata kerja (verb) yang menunjukkan tindakan sekarang atau kebiasaan.
-Menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama (verb 1).
-Menggunakan kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) do atau does.
-Dalam kalimat nouminalnya menggunakan to be berbentuk presentyakni am, is atau are.
-Menggunakan keterangan waktu berupa every day, every year, every week, every Sunday, every night dsb.
Positive form (+)
Subject + Verb 1
Negative form (-)
Subject + do/does + not + Verb 1
Interrogative form (?)
Do/does + Subject + Verb1 …?

Example:         I play guitar every Sunday.
She eats pasta.
He studies Math.
We always go to library.
They come to birthday party every year.       

Bentuk positive, negative dan interrogative dari simple present tense
(+)       She blows a candle.
(-)        She doesn’t blow a candle.
(?)        Does she blow a candle?

(+)       Vita and Maryam write a letter.
(-)        Vita and Maryam don’t write a letter.
(?)        Do Vita and Maryam write a letter?

-Jika subject dalam kalimat berupa she, he, it atau nama seseorang maka verb diakhiri –s/-es.
-Do digunakan untuk subject I, we, you, they, nama lebih dari satu orang.
-Does digunakan untuk subject she, he, it atau nama seseorang.

Latihan: Make a positive, negative or interrogative from these sentences below!
1.         (+) …………………………………………….
(-) We don’t go to the hospital.
(?) …………………………………………….

2.         (+) …………………………………………….
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) Does Rina wear a jacket every day?

3.         (+) …………………………………………….
(-) My mother doesn’t cook a meal every morning.
(?) …………………………………………….

4.         (+) Yuni and Yani polish their shoes
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) …………………………………………….

5.         (+) …………………………………………….
(-)You don’t remember my name.
(?) …………………………………………….

6.         (+) …………………………………………….
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) Do they visit this place every month?

7.         (+) …………………………………………….
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) Does he open the door?

8.         (+) Sinta washes her hands.
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) …………………………………………….

9.         (+) They go to this mosque every day.
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) …………………………………………….

10.       (+) …………………………………………….
(-) My father doesn’t play badminton every weekend.
(?) …………………………………………….

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