Urutan penempatan kata sifat (adjective) dalam sebuah kalimat berdasarkan kategorinya.
Tabel order of adjective
Urutan | Kategori | Penjelasan | Contoh |
1 | Determiner | Kata depan sebuah benda | A, an, the, some, two, three, her, my |
2 | Opinion | Menyatakan pendapat | Beautiful, diligent, easy, good, bad, awful, lovely, important, nice, tidy, delicious, hard, rich, strange, excellent, wonderful, nasty, cute, healthy |
3 | Size | Menyatakan ukuran | Big, enormous, large, little, small, short, long, huge, tall, wide |
4 | Age/ Temperature | Menyatakan umur/ suhu | Ancient, antique, new, old, young, hot, warm, cool |
5 | Shape | Menyatakan bentuk | Flat, round, triangle, square, fat, thin, slim, straight, curly |
6 | Color | Menyatakan warna | Black, red, white, brown, green, blue, pink, purple, grey, yellow |
7 | Origin | Menyatakan asal Negara, kota dsb. | Indonesian, Sundanese, Japanese, American, Korean, Chinese |
8 | Material | Menyatakan bahan dari suatu benda | Gold, wooden, cotton, silk, marble, rubber, plastic, silver |
9 | Purpose | Menyatakan fungsi | Sleeping, meeting, traveling, swimming, married, cutting, serving |
10 | Noun | Kata benda | Hair, car, house, chair, jacket, girl, shoes |
-A cute fat brown rabbit. (Kelinci imut gemuk berwarna cokelat)
Urutan: 1 (a) - 2(cute) - 5 (fat) - 6(brown) - 10(rabbit)
-A small black plastic bag. (Kantong plastic kecil berwarna hitam)
Urutan: 1 (a) - 3(small) - 6(black) - 8(plastic) - 10(bag)
A. Pilihlah order of adjective yang tepat dalam kalimat dibawah ini!
Contoh: a. A yellow nice round sofa.
b. A sofa round yellow nice.
c. A nice round yellow sofa. V
d. A round yellow nice sofa.
1. a. A clean new wool jacket.
b. A new clean wool jacket.
c. A jacket wool new clean.
d. A wool clean new jacket.
2. a. A hair beautiful black straight.
b. A black beautiful straight hair.
c. A straight black beautiful hair.
d. A beautiful straight black hair.
3. a. His hair curly red healthy.
b. His healthy red curly hair.
c. His healthy curly red hair.
d. His curly red healthy hair.
4. a. Some delicious Italian dishes.
b. Some Italian delicious dishes.
c. Some delicious dishes Italian.
d. Some Italian dishes delicious.
5. a. Two young happy married couple.
b. Two married couple happy young.
c. Two happy married young couple.
d. Two happy young married couple.
B. Susunlah kata dibawah ini ke dalam order of adjective yang tepat!
Contoh: gold-an-ring-antique = an antique gold ring.
1. an-nice-lady-old. =………………………………………………………………….
2. old-lovely-a-village-little. =…………………………………………………………
3. thin-face-long-a. =…………………………………………………………………..
4. metal-a-small-box-black. =………………………………………………………….
5. new-American-a-film. =…………………………………………………………….
C. Ubahlah kalimat dibawah ini ke dalam order of adjective yang tepat!
Contoh: Lelaki muda tampan dari Indonesia. = A handsome young Indonesian man.
1. Buku hitam tebal dan tua. =………………………………………………………..
2. Mobil sport baru berwarna merah dari Amerika. =…………………………….…..
3. Kucing Persia imut gemuk. =………………………………………………………
4. Gadis Korea putih muda. =…………………………………………………………
5. Rumah kayu tua berwarna cokelat. =……………………………………………….
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