Bentuk kata kerja (verb) yang menunjukkan tindakan masa lampau atau telah terjadi.
-Menggunakan kata kerja bentuk kedua (verb 2).
-Menggunakan kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) did.
-Dalam kalimat nouminalnya menggunakan to be berbentuk pastyakni was atau were.
-Menggunakan keterangan waktu berupa yesterday, last month, last year, two minutes ago, three days ago dsb.
Positive form (+) | Subject + Verb 2 |
Negative form (-) | Subject + did + not + Verb 1 |
Interrogative form (?) | Did + Subject + Verb1 …? |
Example: Dodi invited us to come to his party last night.
They kicked the ball.
Teacher talked to my parents.
She helped me to find my purse yesterday.
I won a photo contest last year.
Bentuk positive, negative dan interrogative dari simple past tense
(+) She knew about this story.
(-) She did not know about this story.
(?) Did she know about this story?
(+) They carried a bag.
(-) They did not carry a bag.
(?) Did they carry a bag?
Latihan: Make a positive, negative or interrogative from these sentences below!
1. (+) …………………………………………….
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) Did he cry last night?
2. (+) …………………………………………….
(-) She did not apologize to her sister.
(?) …………………………………………….
3. (+) Soleh drank a cup of coffee.
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) …………………………………………….
4. (+) …………………………………………….
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) Did Mr. Gunadi build a new building last year?
5. (+) Kiki bought vegetables and fruits.
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) …………………………………………….
6. (+) …………………………………………….
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) Did you draw this picture?
7. (+) Harun ate a salad.
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) …………………………………………….
8. (+) …………………………………………….
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) Did he sell a clothe?
9. (+) …………………………………………….
(-) We did not sleep at classroom.
(?) …………………………………………….
10. (+) …………………………………………….
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) Did she sing a song?
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