Bentuk kata kerja (verb) yang menunjukkan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung.
-Menggunakan kata kerja berakhiran -ing (verb-ing).
-Menggunakan to be berbentuk present yakni am, isatau are.
-Menggunakan keterangan waktu berupa today, tonight, now dsb.
Positive form (+) | Subject + to be + Verb-ing |
Negative form (-) | Subject + to be + not + Verb-ing |
Interrogative form (?) | To be + Subject + Verb-ing …? |
Example: Vina is sleeping tonight.
I am writing a letter now.
Doni and Dona are sitting beside me now.
We are washing a car today.
They are waiting at this room.
Bentuk positive, negative dan interrogative dari present continuous tense
(+) She is singing a song.
(-) She is not singing a song.
(?) Is she singing a song?
(+) They are playing a card today.
(-) They are not playing a card today.
(?) Are they playing a card today?
Latihan: Make a positive, negative or interrogative from these sentences below!
- (+) …………………………………………….
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) Are you listening music tonight?
- (+) …………………………………………….
(-) Dinda is not drawing a picture.
(?) …………………………………………….
- (+) I am throwing a ball.
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) …………………………………………….
- (+) …………………………………………….
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) Are Susi and Riska cooking a soup?
- (+) …………………………………………….
(-) We are not walking at Malabar Street today.
(?) …………………………………………….
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