Materi Bahasa Inggris: Describing People


Ankle = mata kaki
Heels = tumit
Arm = lengan
Knee = lutut
Back = punggung
Leg = tungkai kaki
Bottom = pantat
Lips = bibir
Calf = betis
Mouth = mulut
Cheek = pipi
Nails = kuku
Chest = dada
Neck = leher
Chin = dagu
Nose = hidung
Ear s= telinga
Palm = telapak tangan
Elbow = siku
Shoulders = bahu
Eyes = mata
Skin = kulit
Eyebrow s= alis
Stomach = perut
Eyelashes = bulu mata
Teeth = gigi
Forehead = dahi
Thighs = paha
Feet = kaki
Toes = jari kaki
Fingers = jari tangan
Tongue = lidah
Hair = rambut
Waist = pinggang
Hand = tangan
Wrist = pergelangan tangan
Head = kepala

Nick is a young boy. He has fair skin. His hair is short, curly and black. He has circle eyes with flat nose. Today he wears white shirt and trousers. He brings a bag on his shoulder.
Irene is a young girl. She has white skin. Her hair is long, straight and black. He has slant eyes with point nose. Today she wears gray shirt, long skirt and white ribbon on her head. She brings a bag on her back.

Average = sedang
Fair = sawo matang (kulit)
Pimple = jerawat
Strong = kuat
Bald = gundul
Fat = gemuk
Point = mancung
Tall = tinggi
Beard = janggut
Flat = pesek
Puff/ chubby = pipi besar
Thick = tebal
Big = besar
Girl = anak perempuan
Round = bulat
Thin = tipis
Black = hitam
Height = tinggi badan
Sharp = tajam
Wave = bergelombang
Blonde = pirang
Mole = tahi lalat
Short = pendek
Weak = lemah
Boy = anak laki-laki
Moustache = kumis
Slant = sipit
Weight = berat badan
Circle = bulat
Narrow = sempit
Slim = ramping
White = putih
Curly = keriting
Old = tua
Small = kecil
Wide = lebar
Dimple = lesung pipi
Oval = lonjong
Straight = lurus
Young = muda

Bag = tas
Shawl = syal
Belt = sabuk
Shirt = kemeja
Bracelet = gelang
Shoes = sepatu
Dress = gaun
Short = celana pendek
Earrings = anting-anting
Skirt = rok
Glasses = kacamata
Sleeveless = kaos tanpa lengan
Glove = sarung tangan
Slippers = sandal
Hat = topi
Sneaker = sepatu karet
Helmet = helm
Socks = kaos kaki
High heels = sepatu hak tinggi
Suit = jas
Jacket = jaket
Tie = dasi
Necklace = kalung
Trousers = celana panjang
Pocket = saku
T-shirt = kaos pendek
Purse = dompet
Veil = kerudung
Ribbon = pita
Vest = rompi
Ring = cincin
Watch = jam tangan

S + to be + adjective
He is tall.

They are tall.
S + have/has + noun
He has slant eyes.

They have slant eyes.
S + wear(s) + noun
He wears leather jacket.

They wear leather jacket.
S + noun + to be + Adjective
His nose is flat.

Their noses are flat.
S + bring(s) + noun
She brings an umbrella.

They bring umbrellas.

A. Isi titik-titik dibawah ini dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat pada kotak!
1.       Catty has curly ……………………
2.       Mr. Peter wears a watch on his …………………….
3.       He smelled a perfume by his …………………….
4.       My mother kisses my ……………………. before go to sleep.
5.       Mr. Albert has a moustache above his …………………….
6.       He injured his ……………………. when he was playing football.
7.       I wear a sunglasses to protect my ……………………. from the sun.
8.       She wears a ring on her …………………….
9.       Mariah puts a pink lipstick on her …………………….
10.    We have to brush our ……………………. before go to sleep.
11.    He stepped his ……………………. on the ground.
12.    I put a mascara on my …………………….
13.    My little brother has chubby …………………….
14.    Dianna puts a nail polish on her …………………….
15.    He wears a belt on his …………………….
Hair √

B. Jodohkan gambar dibawah ini dengan pernyataan yang tepat!
1. Bill is a man. He has oval face with short black hair. He always wears glasses. (G)
2. Nadya is my friend. She is 20 years old. She has long black hair. Today she is wearing gray shirt, short skirt and white socks. (………)
3. My mother is Tatiana. She has black hair. She has round eyes and thick eyebrows. You can recognize her by seeing her mole under her eye. She is really beautiful. (………)
4. George is my new neighbour. He is from Canada. He has blonde hair and it wave. His eyebrows are thick and his nose is point. Today he brings a bag on his back. (………)
5. My sister is high school student. Her name is Rose. Since last year, she began to wear a veil. She has slant eyes and white skin. She is so cute because she has chubby cheeks. (………)
6. I meet my old friend at store. His name is Phill. He has curly black hair. His nose is flat with round eyes. When I meet him, he wore black vest and white trousers. (………)
7. Tony is my staff in the office. He has wave blonde hair. He has point nose and slant eyes. Every day he wears shirt with black tie. He is so humorous. (………)

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