Food is any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth. There are six types of food:
1. Vegetable: a plant or part of plant used as food
2. Meat: the flesh of an animal as food
3. Fish: a cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins, living wholly in water
4. Seafood: shellfish and sea fish served as food
5. Herbs: any plant with leaves, seeds or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine or perfume
6. Spices: an aromatic or pungent vegetable substance used to flavor food
Flavour of food consists of some types, such as:
1. Sweet: having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey
2. Bitter: having a sharp, pungent taste or smell (not sweet)
3. Sour: having an acid taste like lemon or vinegar
4. Hot: having a burning sensation in the mouth
5. Mild: not sharp or strong in flavor
6. Bland: lacking flavour or seasoning
7. Salty: tasting of salt
8. Sugary: tasting of sugar
Ways of cooking food consist of five ways:
1. Boil: way to cook by reach the temperature at which it bubbles and turns to vapor
2. Fry: cook food or be cooked in hot fat or oil
3. Bake: cook food by dry heat without direct exposure to a flame
4. Roast: process to cook food by subjecting it to intense heat
5. Grill: way to cook by gridiron a food on an open fire
Absorb = menyerap | Lack = kekurangan |
Acid = asam | Maintain = memelihara |
Bubble = gelembung | Plant = tumbuhan |
Fin = sirip | Pleasant = sedap |
Flame = kobaran api | Pungent = pedas |
Flavor = rasa | Sharp = tajam |
Flesh = daging | Shellfish = sejenis kerang |
Gill = insang | Substance = zat |
Gridiron = alat panggang | Vapor = uap |
Heat = pemanasan | Vinegar = cuka |
Waiter : Good afternoon, are you ready to order?
Customer : Yes, please.
Waiter : Would you like an appetizer?
Customer : Yes, I’d like a corn soup.
Waiter : And what would you like for a main course?
Customer : I’ll have the tenderloin beef steak.
Waiter : Would you like anything to drink?
Customer : Yes, I’d like a glass of milkshake, please.
Waiter : Can I bring you anything else?
Customer : May I see the dessert menu?
Waiter : Certainly.
Customer : What do you recommend?
Waiter : The white pudding. It’s delicious.
Customer : Okay, I’ll have the pudding. Also, may I have the bill please?
Waiter : Certainly
Customer : Yes, please.
Waiter : Would you like an appetizer?
Customer : Yes, I’d like a corn soup.
Waiter : And what would you like for a main course?
Customer : I’ll have the tenderloin beef steak.
Waiter : Would you like anything to drink?
Customer : Yes, I’d like a glass of milkshake, please.
Waiter : Can I bring you anything else?
Customer : May I see the dessert menu?
Waiter : Certainly.
Customer : What do you recommend?
Waiter : The white pudding. It’s delicious.
Customer : Okay, I’ll have the pudding. Also, may I have the bill please?
Waiter : Certainly
Appetizer = menu pembuka | Egg = Telur | Pie = Kue pai |
Beef = Daging sapi | Fish = Ikan | Plate = piring |
Bowl = Mangkuk | Fork = garpu | Potato chips = Keripik kentang |
Bread = Roti | Fruits = Buah-buahan | Rice = Nasi |
Breakfast = sarapan pagi | Glass = gelas | Salt = Garam |
Cereal = sereal | Juice = Jus | Sandwich = Roti isi |
Cheese = keju | Ketchup = Kecap | Sauce = Saus |
Chicken = Daging ayam | Appetizer = menu pembuka | Sausage = Sosis |
Chopsticks = sumpit | Knife = pisau | Shrimp = Udang |
Coffee = Kopi | Lunch = makan siang | Soup = Sup |
Coke = Minuman soda | Main course = menu utama | Sugar = Gula |
Crackers = Biskuit asin | Milkshake = Susu kocok | Table spoon = Sendok makan |
Cup = cangkir | Napkin = serbet | Tea = Teh |
Dessert = menu penutup | Noodle = Mie | Tea spoon = Sendok teh |
Dinner = makan malam | Oatmeal = Bubur gandum | Toast = Roti panggang |
Drinking water = Air minum | Pancake = Panekuk | Vegetables = Sayuran |
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