Correlative conjunction adalah kata sambung yang memiliki pasangan masing-masing untuk menggabungkan dua buah kalimat/frase.
1. Not only … but also… (bukan/tidak hanya… tetapi juga…)
Contoh: -Reptiles live not only on the land but also in the water.
(Reptil bukan hanya hidup di darat tetapi juga di air)
-Ariel not only sings the song but also composes it.
(Ariel tidak hanya menyanyikan lagu tetapi juga menggubah lagu)
2. Both … and … (… dan … keduanya)
Contoh: -She reads both quickly and carefully.
(Dia membaca dengan cepat dan seksama)
-Both Firda and Gisca play tennis.
(Firda dan Gisca keduanya bermain tenis)
3. Either … or … (baik… maupun…)
Contoh: -Dewi goes to the library on Monday.
(Dewi pergi ke perpustakaan pada hari senin)
-Desi goes to the library on Monday.
(Desi pergi ke perpustakaan pada hari senin)
→Either Dewi or Desi goes to the library on Monday.
(Baik Dewi maupun Desi pergi ke perpustakaan pada hari senin)
4. Neither … nor … (baik… maupun… tidak)
Contoh: -I don’t read the newspaper.
(Aku tidak membaca surat kabar)
-He doesn’t read the newspaper.
(Dia tidak membaca surat kabar)
→Neither I nor he read the newspaper.
(Baik aku maupun dia tidak membaca surat kabar)
A. Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan not only…but also, both…and, either…or atau neither…nor!
1. She has ……………………… long hair but also chubby cheeks.
2. Both Nina ………………….. Irma are students of SMP 2 Jakarta.
3. Either I …………….….. my brother is watching television.
4. …………………... Winda nor Windi comes to my birthday party.
5. My mother not only cooks fried chicken …………………… soup.
6. ………………….. Mr. Thompson or Mrs. Thompson drinks coffee at this restaurant.
7. Our new house ………………….. big and comfortable.
8. Neither Sophie ………………… Gale skip the class today.
B. Buatlah kalimat dengan menggunakan either…or atau neither…nor sesuai contoh!
1. -Jessica eats salad every morning.
-Rebecca eats salad every morning.
Either Jessica or Rebecca eats salad every morning.
2. -John works at television broadcasting.
-Elsa works ………………………………………………………………….
3. -Aldi …………………………………………………………………………
-Yoga didn’t play badminton yesterday.
4. -……………………………………………………………………………….
Either Mr. Lee or James comes from London.
5. -……………………………………………………………………………….
Neither Jessi nor Mark likes to play volleyball.
6. -……………………………………………………………………………….
-Silvia can’t make a cake.
Neither Julia nor Silvia can make a cake.
7. -Tony ……………………………………………………………………….
-Eli will go to Paris with his family.
8. -Vani won’t …………………………………………………………………
-William …………………………………………………………………….
…………………Vani …………. William will join to speech contest.
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