Conditional sentence: kalimat pengandaian untuk mengandai-andai suatu kegiatan atau tindakan apabila syaratnya terpenuhi.
v Conditional sentence type 1: digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebuah kalimat bersyarat yang masih memungkinkan sekali untuk dipenuhi syaratnya karena baru akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang.
If + S + V1, S + will + V1 atau If + simple present tense, present future tense |
-If my car is sold, I will give you money.
(Jika mobilku terjual, aku akan memberikanmu uang)
-If I have a lot of money, I will buy a new bag.
(Jika aku memiliki banyak uang, aku akan membeli tas baru)
v Conditional sentence type 2: digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebuah kalimat bersyarat yang kemungkinan sulit terpenuhi.
If + S + V2, S + would + V1 atau If + simple past tense, past future tense |
-If I were you, I would forgive him.
(Jika aku jadi dirimu, aku akan memaafkannya)
-If I were a bird, I would fly high to the sky.
(Jika aku jadi seekor burung, aku akan terbang tinggi ke langit)
v Conditional sentence type 3: digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebuah kalimat bersyarat yang tidak mungkin terpenuhi kerna masanya sudah lampau.
If + S + had + V3, S + would have + V3 atau If + past perfect tense, past future perfect tense |
-If we had known you lived here last year, we would have visited you.
(Jika kami tahu bahwa kau tinggal disini tahun lalu, kami akan mengunjungimu)
-If you had invited him yesterday, he would have come.
(Jika kau mengundangnya kemarin, dia akan datang)
A. Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat!
1. If I lose this ring, my mother ………………. me.
A. scold B. will scold C. would scold D. would have scolded
2. If I ……………………, I would buy an expensive phone.
A. rich B. am rich C. were rich D. had be rich
3. If the weather had not been so bad, we ………………… gone out.
A. would have B. would C. will D. had
4. If I …………………… to the bookstore, I will buy you a novel.
A. went B. gone C. goes D. go
5. If I …………………. her number, I would phone you.
A. knew B. will know C. know D. had known
6. I would have met my friends if I ………………… to the party last night.
A. go B. gone C. went D. had gone
7. My teacher will punish me if I …………………… my homework.
A. don’t finish B. finish C. didn’t finish D. hadn’t finished
8. If I had a choice, I …………………… in Europe.
A. would live B. would have lived C. will live D. live
9. If I had known your birthday yesterday, I ………………. you a gift.
A. would give B. will give C. would have given D. gave
10. This soup would be very good if it ………………….. so salty.
A. wasn’t B. was C. will D. had
B. Buatlah kalimat conditional yang tepat untuk kalimat-kalimat berikut!
1. Kalimat : I go to Garut-I buy dodol
Type 1 : If I go to Garut, I will buy dodol
2. Kalimat : I find a wallet in the street-I take it to the police
Type 2 : If I found a wallet in the street, ……………………………..………………
3. Kalimat : I see you-I say hello
Type 3 : If ……………………………………………………………………………
4. Kalimat : I haven’t to work-I stay in bed
Type 2 : ………………………………………………………………………………
5. Kalimat : I am not so tired-I go to your house last night
Type 3 : If I hadn’t been …………………………………………………………….
Bad = buruk | Give = member | Night = malam | Soup = sup |
Bed = tempat tidur | Go out = bepergian | Party = pesta | Stay = tinggal |
Birthday = hari ulang tahun | Good = bagus /enak | Phone = telepon /menghubungi | Street = jalan |
Bookstore = toko buku | Homework = pekerjaan rumah | Police = polisi | Take = membawa |
Buy = membeli | House = rumah | Punish =menghukum | Tired = lelah |
Choice = pilihan | Know = tahu | Ring = cincin | Wallet = dompet |
Expensive = mahal | Last = lalu /lampau | Salty = asin | Weather = cuaca |
Find = menemukan | Live = tinggal | Say = berkata | Work = bekerja |
Finish =menyelesaikan | Lose = hilang | Scold = mengomel | Yesterday = kemarin |
Gift = hadiah | Meet = bertemu | See = melihat |
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