Lampung University
Lampung University or Unila is one of the best universities in Sumatra. This university is the pride of Lampung society and it was produced by the best people of Lampung. The university is located inBandar Lampung, Indonesia. In 1965, Unila was decided as a university by the government decision. In the beginning of this university, Unila only had two faculties, Law Faculty and Economic Faculty, and Unila was located in the three areas. There were on Hasanudin street, Jendral Suprapto street, andSorong Cimeng street. Since 1974, Unila had been built in Gedong Meneng. Now, every faculty has been located at that location.
Spesifically, Unila is located on Jalan Soemantri Bojonegoro No.1, Bandar Lampung. Unila is popular as a green campus because there are many trees in every areas of this university. It shows that Unila care to the environment and this behavior must be modeled by other university, especially in Lampung. Unila has many facilities besides faculty buildings. It’s useful for students to study and to apply other activities. Unila has GSG and it is used for many events, such as; graduation of students or lecturers, and orientation meeting for the new students. In front of GSG, there is a library. In the library, there are many useful books for students in helping their academic activity. Unila also has a Rectorate building where rector and his assistants do their job.
In the future development, Unila want to build a hospital and it has a program to become Top Ten University in 2025.
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